9/13/2011 Council Preview

I’m pretty sure this is the longest agenda I’ve seen Sunnyvale’s council take on.

Thankfully, no study sessions and no closed sessions to start out the evening.  We do have a special order of the day, to recognize Anjini Karthik as the Synopsys Science and Technology Champion.

The consent calendar has a few items, including approval of funding for a feasibility study for completing the Stevens Creek Trail, approval of three contracts, and a second reading of the ordinance we adopted at our last meeting to deal with solid waste issues. Then we get into the regular business. And what a lot of business we have.

Item 2 looks at making changes to the city-wide green building provisions. Some of it is portrayed as housekeeping, some are changes that staff is recommending.

Items 3, 4, and 5 involve the design review for proposed changes to the Moffett Towers and Ariba complexes in the Moffett Park area. Item 3 is the design review for a proposed fifth building as part of the Ariba campus. These are the four smaller buildings near the Moffett Towers. Jay Paul is proposing building a fifth building where parking currently exists, then maintaining the required parking by constructing a multi-level parking structure where only ground level parking exists. Item 4 is the design review for modifications to one of the Moffett Towers buildings. And item 5 is a proposed modification to the two existing development agreements to make all of this possible. I would imagine this project will provoke some discussion.

Item 6 involves appointing representatives to the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency and the San Francisco Regional Water System Financing Authority. These are positions previously held by Councilmember Swegles, and we need to appoint replacements.

Item 7 has us establishing advocacy positions on six different topics that will be addressed at the upcoming 2011 League of California Cities convention.

Item 8 is related – we have to cast our votes for the leadership of the Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities.

Item 9 deals with the upcoming election. We have historically published a campaign ethics brochure for residents, as well as organizing various candidate forums, and this issue has us considering doing the same for this campaign.

Item 10 involves a hot-button issue – deciding whether or not to make the ransom payment so we can keep our redevelopment agency alive.

Item 11 is one I’ve been all over during the past couple of months – consideration of changes to Council policy regarding boards and commissions. One is a relatively straightforward question about the timing of the election of commission chairs. The other is the more complex question about whether or not Council should appoint Council liaisons to the various commissions.

And the final issue has us potentially appointing someone to vacancies on the Arts and the Housing and Human Services Commissions. Boy, I hope the applicants don’t show up and wait until the end of the meeting to see what we do…

That’s about it. Eleven items, none of them particularly quick.

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