11/01/2016 Council Preview – Azure Rezoning

Pretty short agenda this week.  We start the evening with a joint study session with the Sustainability Commission to discuss the Climate Action Plan.  And it’s not a short discussion, since we’ve allocated an hour and a half for it.

The general meeting starts with our ceremonial swearing in of new commissioners.  I think we appointed two such commissioners at our last meeting.  There are only three consent items, one of which is a second reading of an ordinance from our last meeting.  But one of the items is a big one – approving over $1.6 million in new playground equipment for Braly Park, Fairwood Park, and Orchard Gardens Park.  This includes not only replacement but also some park additions.  The third item is an amendment to a urban runoff pollution contract.

Item 2 is the big one – consideration of a rezoning request at 838 Azure, with Sunnytrees townhomes proposed to be reduced in density in the General Plan.  Basically, the owner of  838 Azure, a very large single-home property, wants to subdivide the lot and build four separate units there.  And since that requires a General Plan Amendment to change the zoning, the City Council asked staff to also look at the Sunnytrees property as part of the GPA study.  The General Plan’s designation of the Sunnytrees property is “residential high density”, but the zoning is R-2/PD (the equivalent of residential low-medium density).  So when the applicant requested we look at up-zoning the Azure property, we asked to also look at correcting the General Plan designation for Sunnytrees.

Item 3 has us updating our building codes to reflect changes to the state’s building codes.

And item 4 has us updating our fire codes to reflect changes to the state’s fire codes.

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