09/13/2016 Council Preview – Filling the Seventh Seat

Sorry this is so late – it’s a busy time.

We start the evening with yet another closed session regarding ongoing labor negotiations.  This is followed by a study session on updating the El Camino Real Corridor Plan.

The general session starts with the swearing-in of Larry Klein as a Councilmember.  This is one of those bifurcated meetings, where we certify the election results without Larry on the dais, then swear him in, then continue business.  Note that we don’t reshuffle seats for this – we only do the seat dance at a January meeting following an election.

We then have a special order recognizing Falls Prevention Awareness Day.

There’s a good-sized consent calendar, which is the consequence of going three weeks without a council meeting.  We’ve got our biennial conflict of interest notice.  This is just a categorization of city employees to recognize positions where issues of conflict of interest may arise.  We’re buying fire safety clothing and supplies.  There’s a contract for redesigning the Washington Pool, a major undertaking to improve those facilities.  We’re approving $403k for rehabilitating an affordable housing site.  we’re adding some short-term staff to Environmental Services. There’s a contract for trash capture devices.  And then there are the second readings.

Item 2 on our agenda is an appeal of the approval of a special development permit for a drive-up grocery store on Sunnyvale/Saratoga next to Orchard Supply.

And item 3 has us looking at adding transportation demand management requirements to multi-family residential developments.  Pretty wonky stuff.

That’s about it.

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