04/12/2016 Council Preview – Affordable Housing and Minimum Wage

Full agenda, although I think the individual items may not be that long. Note that the timing for this meeting is different, so pay attention so that you don’t miss out on an item you care about.

We actually start in chambers an hour early to hold a joint session with Council and the Redevelopment Successor Agency.  But this meeting is just to approve the consent calendar, and the regular meeting will start as soon as the joint session finishes.  So we could be starting the regular meeting as soon as 6;05 p.m.

The regular meeting starts out with a presentation from PG&E about its pipeline safety program.  And the consent is pretty small – just a slurry seal contract (Mathilda from Caribbean to Bordeaux, and from Ahwanee to California) and a contract for street and sidewalk repairs.  So we should get to the regular business pretty quickly.

Items 2 and 3 are both taxicab franchises.  Due to some recent changes to our taxicab processes, we should start seeing these things more infrequently.

Item 4 has us appointing a new representative and possibly a new alternate to the VTA El Camino Real Rapid Transit Policy Advisory Board.  The “possibly” is in anticipation that the current alternative, Councilmember Davis, may be appointed as the primary representative.

With item 5, we start getting into the meaty part of the agenda.  Item 5 has us approving updates to our Municipal Code to continue to prohibit commercial cultivation and distribution of medical marijuana. We already prohibit it through existing ordinances, but our existing ordinances aren’t explicit enough.  The state approved new legislation in October 2015 requiring the prohibition to be explicit, so it’s proposed to make the prohibition more explicit.  Thanks to this new legislation, cities all over California are doing the same thing.  In fact, there was a rush to get that done by February before the state passed additional legislation extending the deadline.

Item 6 has us adopting a minimum wage ordinance with a step-up schedule as previously discussed – $11/hour on July 1 of this year, $13 on January 1, 2017, and $15 on January 1, 2018, with annual CPI increases after that.

Item 7 has us issuing a Request For Proposals for an affordable housing project on the City’s newly acquired property at Charles and Iowa.

Item 8 has us looking at changes to the timing for when various development fees are calculated and paid.  There have been some inconsistencies and complaints about the timing of various fees, and we’re going to look at them with an eye towards some small changes.

And finally, item 9 has us looking at a proposal for an auxiliary restroom facility at Las Palmas Tennis Center. We had previously authorized $300k to pursue this, but the consultants have placed the actual price at over $700k, mostly due to the difficulty of running utilities to the proposed location.  Staff is proposing either delaying this until the scheduled renovation of Las Palmas Park in


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