06/23/2015 Council Preview – 15/16 Annual Budget

We start the evening with, get this, three closed sessions and a study session (sigh).  The first involves ongoing negotiations regarding the long-term leases for a new operator of the golf courses.  Apparently the negotiations are more complicated than usual.  Gee, it’s a good thing the Council has the authority to decide terms of such a long-term lease of recreational facilities on its own…  The second involves negotiations to buy property near Charles and Iowa.  The third is our semi-annual performance review for the City Attorney.

This is followed by a study session involving space planning for the civic center.  I’m not exactly sure about the specifics of this, so take this with a grain of salt.  But I think this is discussing how staff is attempting to determine how much space we need for the various civic center services (city hall, library, public safety) going forward into the future.

Big consent calendar, since we’ve been off for three weeks.  There’s the annual engineer’s report and assessment for the downtown parking maintenance district.  There’s another easement vacation and another tract map approval.  There’s a contract for WPCP chemicals, a contract for traffic signal maintenance, and a contract for San Mateo County’s version of NOVA.  And there’s a recommendation to reject a bid for air compressors for Fire Stations 1 and 2.

Item 2 is a request to study making a change to the Lakeside Specific Plan.  This is a plan that was adopted in 2005 for a mixed use hotel/residential property on Lakeside Drive. The owner is ready to go forward now, but he wants to swap the location of the housing and hotel.

Item 3 is the biggie – adopting the FY 2015/16 budget.  We’ve had the all-day budget workshop, we’ve had the public hearing, it’s time to actually decide what to do.

And item 4 is our annual approval of Community Event Grants.

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