03/17/2015 Council Preview

Another long night.  We’re doing a lot of these, because of the ongoing labor negotiations.  And this one has the most non-consent items I can remember seeing.

We start the evening with yet another closed session to discuss just those negotiations.  This is followed by a study session about the upcoming utility rates for FY 2015/16.  The fact that we’re having a study session on this topic probably isn’t a good sign…

The consent calendar isn’t too bad,  There’s a funding agreement between Sunnyvale and VTA for express lanes on 237.  There’s a contract for aerial photography for multiple city departments. There’s a contract for youth sports.  And there’s a need for a labor compliance program as part of a large grant paying for a big piece of the joint recycled water project on Wolfe.

Item 2 is a new one to me – an appeal of a fine the city levied against a hotel for a delinquent transient occupancy tax payment.

Item 3 is pretty important – the scheduling of the study issues that we approved during our workshop. Staff is proposing various changes to the original ranking, based on available resources and the practical implications of some of the study issues.

Item 4 is probably the big one – considering a rental housing impact fee for rental developments.

Item 5 is a request for $5 million in housing funds for a proposed MidPen housing project.

Items 6 and 7 are two taxicab franchise ordinances, for A Orange Cab and Yellow Cab.

Item 8 is a proposal to create two committees for the update to the Precise Plan for El Camino Real.

Item 9 is the EIR and related issues for the Fair Oaks Bridge rehabilitation.

And item 10 is to consider increases in benefits for the City Attorney.  This should have happened in December, but we moved somewhat slowly.

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