05/20/2014 Council Preview – Climate Action Plan and Minimum Wage

Gonna be a long one.  We start the evening with a study session to go over the Balanced Growth Profile, a community conditions indicator that is widely misunderstood.  So that should be interesting.

The consent calendar is huge this week – 1A through 1Q.  We’ve got a new five-year agreement with the Friends of the Sunnyvale Public Library.  There are a bunch of contracts, including planning for the refurbishing of the Community Center, two involving the Water Pollution Control Plant, rehabilitation of one of our storm pump stations, rehabilitation of one of our big water tanks, and purchasing additional paving materials.  There are grants related to Common Core materials for the library, handling of household hazardous waste, and NOVA funding.  We’re approving the HOME loan for the Armory housing project.  We’re appointing new NOVA boardmembers.  And there’s the second reading of our stadium parking ordinance.

Item 2 has us voting on boards and commission appointments.

Item 3 is a big one – adoption of our Climate Action Plan.

Item 4 is another big one – discussion of a minimum wage in Sunnyvale.  Staff suggests that Sunnyvale create an advocacy position to lobby the state to adopt our intent at the state level, in addition to possibly giving staff direction on codifying a Sunnyvale-specific minimum wage.

Item 5 has us revisiting a new council policy on labor negotiations.  The bargaining units had a chance to weigh in, and the proposed policy underwent some changes as a result.

Item 6 has us start to implement the actual parking restrictions related to Levi’s Stadium.

And finally, item 7 is staff’s response to a request that we look at buying the park land portion of the property that Texas Instruments is actively marketing.  Short answer – TI said “thanks but no thanks”.

That’s about it.

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