1/31/12 Council Preview

Something of a land use night, it looks like.

We start out with a closed session regarding the Downtown.  I don’t know anything more than you do, but it may be nothing more than a status report for the new council.  Or something else.  We’ll see.  Well, you won’t see.  I’ll see.  Then we go to the public session, starting with the ceremonial swearing-in of Mayor Spitaleri and Vice Mayor Whittum, always a fun event.  Then it’s to business.

There’s a decent-sized consent calendar, which is what happens when we go three weeks without a meeting.  There’s an Onizuka budget modification, a couple of classification changes for bargaining units, and a handful of contracts to approve (including one where staff recommends rejection).  Then we get to the general business.

Item 2 involves following up on the Kaiser left-hand turn and resulting traffic issues.  When Council approved the left-hand turn in 2008, it also scheduled a review to take place two years later, to take a look at the result, for possible follow-up action.  That’s what we’re doing here.

Item 3 is a wonky land use issue that I’m still studying – applying to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) for five new Priority Development Areas (PDAs).  Sunnyvale currently has three, and staff is proposing adding five more.  I really don’t know any more than that now, so if you’re interested, read the RTC.  Note that the online PDF is a bit odd, because it doesn’t start with the RTC.  It starts with supplemental information.  So don’t get thrown off if that’s what you see.

Item 4 involves modifying Council Policy language to reflect previous Council action regarding the role of Board and Commission Chairs and Vice Chairs.  This issue isn’t bringing up new policy – it’s just approving the language to implement the policy that Council previously approved.  Mostly, it’s a cleanup or clarification of the language.  For instance, commissions have been electing chairs at different times during their July meetings – some elected at the beginning of the meeting and had it take effect immediately, others elected at the end and had it take effect at the subsequent meeting.  One significant change is worth noting – Council approved requiring the Chair or a designated alternative to be present at all council meetings to provide his or her commission’s recommendation, when a non-consent item involving that commission comes before Council.  That’s a change, in that Chairs previously could speak or not speak before Council at their discretion.

That’s it for the main meeting, but we then meet as the Onizuka LRA, only to elect officers.  I believe I’m running this meeting until officers are elected.  I was actually supposed to run the LRA meeting that we held in December, but nobody noticed that officers had changed (including myself, as it turns out).

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